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Frequently Asked Questions
What aged children do you take?We are licensed for 36 children each day aged from 2 to 5 years.
Do you provide food?No, we do not provide food. We encourage parents to pack a nutritious lunch for their child and to provide two pieces of fruit to be cut up for morning and afternoon tea.
How much does it cost?The cost for each family is different as it depends on each families eligibility for Child Care Subsidy (CCS). CCS is determined by Centrelink and depends on a families income and whether they meet the activity test requirements. Once approved, CCS is deducted from the full day fee and parents pay the remaining gap fee. Families with children aged at least four years old by 31st July 2024 can access $43.06 of weekly fee relief. Children aged at least three years old by 31st July 2024 can access $10.20 of weekly fee relief.
How long will it take for a place to become available at Cobbers?This is a difficult question to answer as it depends on the time of year that a place is required. Once we have filled all of our vacancies, a child needs to leave the service or give up a day for a place to become available. Unfortunately, the timing of this is impossible to predict. We do however have a lot of places become available in January each year as our older children leave to go to school.
Do you have a Pre-School Program?Yes, our Early Childhood Teacher, Tim delivers an extensive pre-school or school readiness program, providing children with the skills that they need in preparation for school.
Do I still have to pay fees if my child is sick?Yes you do, however we offer make up days at no charge for your child to attend as an extra day for the day that they missed whilst sick.
Are you open during School Holidays?Yes, we are open during School Holidays. The only time we close is for Public Holidays and for three weeks at Christmas/New Year.
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