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Our Service
In our rural environment, we have a close-knit community therefore, the service takes on the role of an extended family. The group, made up of children aged from two to school age, allows family members to be together in a warm and homely setting. This enables children, families and educators to develop a trusting and caring relationship, whereby children feel secure and grow in confidence.


The daily routine is divided between outside and inside time, which is flexible according to children's needs and weather constraints. Structured and unstructured activities are offered within these times to allow children to choose and participate in an activity either as an individual or member of a small group. Large group situations include story time, music experiences, visitors to the service and excursions.

We are an environmentally responsible service, encouraging and educating sustainable practices through our everyday routines.

We understand and appreciate the importance of the early childhood years and play as a learning experience for children to acquire and master new skills. Children are able to participate in the programme in a way that encourages them to explore their environment and have a say in their learning. This allows educators to identify the interests, needs, strengths and emerging skills of the children.


Each child is considered an individual who is unique and planned for with his/her objectives in mind. Educators are aware of age-appropriate expectations and provide each child with an opportunity to facilitate this learning journey. The children are involved in the reflection process through their discussions, web maps, drawings and video. Children gain independence, confidence and knowledge through social interactions with each other and educators.  We believe that these social interactions set valuable foundations for a child’s future.

We aim to build strong partnerships with families, supporting them in their task of nurturing and educating young children. Parents are invited to share knowledge of their child, culture, values and beliefs, so in collaboration, decisions can be made about their child’s learning and well being. We encourage families to participate in the service through involvement in daily activities, special events or by sharing their skills and talents. We offer opportunities for families to provide feedback, comments or suggestions, which assists us to reflect upon our practices and guides the process of self-assessment.

The service builds relationships and engages with the community through excursions and incursions. We work with schools, support services and community health to enhance children’s learning and development outcomes in relation to their identity, connection with community, wellbeing, confidence as learners and effectiveness as communicators.

Each educator is an important member of a team, working together to achieve best practice in the provision of a care and education service. Professional development of educators is ongoing through participation in training courses, attendance at conferences, in-servicing and through studying externally for certificate or diploma qualifications. Educators are encouraged to observe, listen, discuss, analyse, plan and reflect upon children’s learning. Through this process, educators will learn, have fun, be happy and make a difference to children’s lives.

Learning Experience
The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and NSW Curriculum is implemented in the service to assist children to become successful, competent and capable learners. Children’s knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are used to develop the programme, which offers a well-balanced variety of activities and experiences to include, encourage and extend children across all EYLF outcomes. Educational programmes incorporate Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture as well as other international cultures.

Learning can happen anywhere, anytime.  The multiage setting allows children to learn from observing, interacting, role modelling and supporting each other, either directly or indirectly.  Play based learning and intentional teaching are utilised to maximise children's learning opportunities.

The service offers a school readiness programme which provides children with the skills needed for the transition to school. Preparation starts from the moment a child commences at the service with the development of gross motor skills, fine motor skills, cognitive skills, language skills and social skills through age-appropriate activities and interactions. A reflective approach is used to enhance children's learning in all areas.

Future Goals

  • To continue to develop positive relationships between the children, families, educators and the community.

  • To continue to work towards best practice in the provision of an education and care service.

  • For the children to continue to be happy and have fun.




NSW Curriculum Framework
Early Years Learning Framework
National Quality Framework

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