Our Programs
We understand and appreciate the importance of early childhood years and play as a learning experience for children to acquire and master new skills. Children are able to participate in the program in a way that encourages them to explore their environment and have a say in their learning. This allows our team of educators to identify the interests, needs, strengths and emerging skills of each child entrusted into our care.
Each child is considered a unique individual and planned for with his/her objectives in mind. Our team of educators are aware of age-appropriate expectations and provide each child with an opportunity to facilitate this learning journey. Children gain independence, confidence and self-esteem through social interactions with each other and our team. These experiences provide a valuable foundation for the child’s future.
The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and NSW Curriculum is implemented in the service to assist children to become successful, competent and capable learners. Children’s knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are used to develop the program, which offers a well-balanced variety of activities and experiences to include, encourage and extend children across all EYLF outcomes. Educational programs incorporate Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture as well as other international cultures.
Big School Ready!
We offer a special school-readiness program which provides our children with the skills needed for the transition to school. Preparation starts from the moment your child commences at Cobbers with the development of gross motor skills, fine motor skills, cognitive skills, language skills and social skills through age-appropriate activities and interactions. A reflective approach is used to enhance children's learning in all areas, and we communicate with you regularly throughout their journey at Cobbers.
Children are divided into two groups for activities throughout the day. The Dingo group is the older group, consisting mainly of those children going to school the following year. The younger group is the Possum group. A child’s placement in a group depends on their age and developmental level. Some children transition from the Possum to the Dingo group throughout the year, whilst others will start the new year in the Dingo group.
The goals for the Possum group are:
To develop secure attachments to educators
To develop attachments to other children
To build on their confidence through exploring and learning
To develop toileting and self help skills.
The goals for the Dingo group are:
To prepare the children for school by teaching them the correct techniques for cutting, pencil grip and lengthening their attention span
To develop social and self help skills
To empower the children to think for themselves and learn to problem solve using their own ideas.